Become a member
of the NNCA
The NNCA welcomes any organization with an interest in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut construction industry to join our membership.
Who we are?
Serving the construction industry for 48 years
The Northwest Territories Construction Association was established in 1976 and became the Northwest Territories & Nunavut Construction Association in 2012.
The NNCA is a nonprofit organization created by member companies to serve, promote, and represent the construction industry. Our members include General Contractors, Trade Contractors, Manufacturers and Suppliers, Road Builders and Heavy Construction Contractors, Logistics & Transportation businesses, Allied Professionals, as well as Associations, Government Departments and Agencies working in the North.
Board of Directors
David Tucker
Ryfan Inc.
Evan Schellenberg
Vice President
Arctic Fresh Projects Inc.
Mark Lewis
Honourary Treasurer
Det’on Cho Management LP
Ben Robertson,
Honourary Secretary
Northern Integration Ltd.
NNCA Directors
Jack Rowe, Director
Rowe’s Construction Ltd.
Dave Welch, Director
Fire Prevention Services Ltd.
Andy Taylor, Director
Taylor & Company
Geoff Oldfield, Director
Northern Industrial Construction Ltd.
Steve Specht, Director
Clark Builders
Vince Bruno, Director
Natik Projects Inc.
of the NNCA
The purpose of the Association is to bring together, in one association, all contractors, businesses, persons, and other entities involved and interested in the construction industry throughout the NWT and Nunavut:
i. To consider, encourage discussion, and make representation in respect of all matters concerning the construction industry such that the Association is recognized as the effective voice of the construction industry;
ii. To promote suitable and desirable legislation affecting the construction industry and provide government with a liaison for any contemplated legislation, regulation or policy, by municipal, territorial, or federal authorities, which may affect the construction industry;
iii. To promote excellence in the construction industry;
iv. To encourage ethical business practices;
v. To promote safe workplaces;
vi. To encourage the adoption and use of standard forms of contract and other documents used by the construction industry;
vii. To encourage the settlement of disputes through arbitration/mediation;
viii. To encourage and promote apprenticeship and professional development within the construction industry;
ix. To distribute useful information to the Association’s members; and
x. To be a fiscally responsible not-for-profit organization which provides valued and cost-effective services to its members.